The amazing support that Z:ero has received has allowed them to triple their funding with plenty of time to spare
Seoul, South Korea, February 2, 2015 (Newswire.com) - With the number of funding campaigns that get created for large crowd-funding sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, many projects get lost in the mix and simply fail to succeed. This can be attributed to several factors including concept, design, campaign content, marketing, etc. In just under four days (including the weekend no less), Z:ero has been able to accomplish what a lot of other campaigns have not and have nearly tripled their funding within a short period of time.
Z:ero earphones emphasize on providing a true digital experience because traditional mobile phone audio processing is constraint by size and cost consideration. Because of these, audio performance always comes last in the design priority. With this limitation, even high quality earphones will not help to reproduce the best audio experience.
Instead of getting analog audio from the traditional 3.5mm audio jack, digital audio is taken directly from the micro-USB port. Basically the last mile audio conversion path inside the phone that processes it externally to your earphones is bypassed. It frees up any deficiency in the mobile audio implementation and re-creates high fidelity music.
Launched as an Android only version, many backers were curious about a compatible iPhone version and its availability. The iPhone version was stated to be available if they were able to reach their first stretch goal of $50,000 and they were able to do just that. An iPhone compatible earphone campaign is expected to launch sometime in March or April.
There have been some updates to the compatibility of Z:ero as well. Z:ero is currently compatible to a specific group of Android devices which can be found on their Indiegogo campaign. The Samsung Galaxy line of mobile devices is currently the most compatible, with a few other models from specific brands listed as well. Compatibility testing for LG and Sony devices is expected to be complete sometime in February so please be on the lookout for an updated list. Following LG and Sony device testing, HTC devices are slated as next with other brands to follow. They hope to have the earphones compatible with all Android devices in the future and will be keeping their backers updated.
Unfortunately, for other mobile OS devices like Windows or BlackBerry, the company does not have any plans to develop a compatible version at this time.
For more information on Zorloo, check out their website (www.zorloo.com) and their Indiegogo Campaign.